Seamlessly connect your employees to their benefits

HRCG's Benefits App

All content in one place organized by how people live their lives.

100% customized to you.

Imagine your EAP just a tap away…

Give your employees instant access to their benefits

Our benefits app makes it so easy for everyone to have the contact info they need about all of their most critical benefits – right in the palm of their hand. And it is all organized the way people live their lives.

This app makes it so much easier to get care and access a range of benefits. It enables employees to answer their own questions via direct contact with plan administrators and help resources.

The best benefits communication tool you can put in employees’ pockets, 100% customized to your program.

Help your employees get more value and satisfaction out of your program. From wherever they are, people can start a telemedicine session, contact the EAP, call to learn more about what’s covered, and discover all the benefits your company offers. When employees can find what they need at the tap of a finger, you’ll enhance access and satisfaction.

See for yourself with our sample demo.



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